Le Gîte de l'ébéniste, Sauveterre la Lémance; Aquitaine, Périgord in southwest France
Laborie, Sauveterre-la-Lémance, France (coordonnées GPS) le Gîte de l’ébéniste Latitude : 44.585003 | Longitude : 1.019182
or : 44°35'06.0"N 1°01'09.1"E
When you arrive, we will be happy to meet you. We live near the rental. We will be present at the key collection and for all inquiries.
Sauveterre la Lémance is between Bordeaux and Toulouse south of the Dordogne and just north of the Lot River.
Duravel, Puy l'Evêque and Fumel are smaller urban centres that are 15 Kms away respectively.
By motorway
From the north via the A20, exit 57; then D820 to Cahors; D811 to Puy l'Evêque; continue on D811 to junction with D58 to Montcabrier; after Montcabrier, continue on D68 to Sauveterre la Lémance.
From the south via the A20, exit 58; then D820 to Cahors - bypass Cahors following signs for Bergerac; D811 to Puy l'Evêque; continue on D811 to junction with D58 to Montcabrier; after Montcabrier, continue on D68 to Sauveterre la Lémance.
From the west via A62, exit 6; Aiguillon - D666 & D911 to Villeneuve sur Lot; D911 to Fumel - After Fumel continue to Sauveterre La lémance on D710 (signs for Périgueux)
By rail
The Paris (Austerlitz) to Toulouse line stops at Gourdon and Cahors. there is a bus from Cahors train station to Monsempron-Libos; Sauveterre la Lémance is 15 Kms away.
If you are travelling from England, there is a fast train route: London-Lille-Bordeaux,which avoids paris. you might have to change at Bordeaux for Agen (see above)
Some useful web sites: (French railways) &
By air
The main international airports are at Toulouse, Bordeaux, Bergerac, Brive-Vallée de la Dordogne and Rodez. Bergerac is the nearest being only just over one hour's drive away.
Main airlines operating to/from Bergerac are Flybe, Ryanair (various UK destinations and Brussels) and Transavia (Amsterdam)
Some useful web sites: